About Wendigo
Hey, I'm Sky White and I created Wendigo Tea Co. for a very simple reason: I want to drink the best teas in the world.
The more I learned about the tea business, the more I realized I had to do this to see if others wanted the same thing.
I accidentally developed a taste for high quality teas while traveling the planet playing rock and roll. Between every sound check and show, I would find the greatest tea each city had to offer. After 2000+ shows around the world (and 2000+ teas), I knew exactly what I loved and found myself wondering what would happen if a company decided to carry ONLY THE BEST.
I also realized that many of the places that had the teas I liked were way more expensive than they should be. Frustrated, I started buying my personal tea from the actual source overseas and shared it with my friends and family. The best teas (that soon became my favorites) can only be ordered and shipped in amounts that are way more than I could use. Thus Wendigo Tea Co. was born…
Most American tea drinkers LOVE TEA but don’t know that America is the dumping ground of the world’s bad tea. Many store-bought tea bags are filled with ground-up old, bad, or dead bits that fall off of the good tea leaves, then are scented or flavored with extracts, fruit, or herbs to improve the taste (Kind of reminds you of fast food chicken nuggets, doesn’t it?).
Other tea companies are so boring too... I got sick of this, so Wendigo Tea Co. will always try to be better and drastically different than all the competition out there.
Everything I carry is of the highest possible quality that also beats the world's most strict organic standards or complies with EU regulations which have much more strict pesticide control standards than the US.
Wendigo Tea Co. is able to massively undersell major tea companies while having higher grade product. Compare my prices and quality to anyone to see what I’m talking about. I can do this by keeping my simple business plan: Buy awesome tea and share it with friends.
If this is anything but some of the greatest tea you have ever had, then I will buy it back... and drink it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me anytime day or night at sky@wendigotea.com .